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The Movie visualizes the anguish of a 14 year old girl. The movie is themed around the life of Kala and her agony which she had to face during her life journey. She lives in a village thickly packed with ordinary people who work hard to earn for their daily bread. As being a village, there had been little scope for modernization. The only primary health center and a government school give some satisfaction for the villagers. Kala, a student of this school lives along with her elder sister Neela and her husband Bharathan. Bharathan who works in a rice mill is a person with has no big dreams. Being much helpful to others, Bharathan is respected and liked by the villagers. Even though he lives only for the family, he is unable to find happiness as the couple doesn't have a child. So they kept their days joyful with Kala brought up as their daughter. Being studious and good in extracurricular activates, the village kept high expectations on her. They wanted her studying well and becoming ...

