Nova Amsterdam
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A fascinating and tragic love story that unfolds during the Dutch invasion to the Northeast coast of Brazil. The scenario is the coastline of Rio Grande do Norte. The action starts in 1633 (when the Dutch arrive in the small village of Natal to found the "New Amsterdam") and ends in 1645 (with the massacres of Catholic Christians in two communities). It is the story of Bernarda (actress Thallita Kumme) and Rafael (actor Leonardo Miggiorin), two younger driven by a passion rapturous, a feeling strong enough to face this period of bloody disputes among Dutch Protestants, Catholics Portuguese and wild Indians. A period where intolerance, violence and barbarism spoke louder. During the war will appear the figure of Jacob Rabbi (actor Anselmo Vasconcellos), a German Jew who comes to the Rio Grande to help the Dutch in the negotiations with the Indians. He marries an Indian Chief's daughter and becomes one of the leaders of the tribe. The destiny of Bernarda and Rafael will cross with other...
