Cervantes, la búsqueda
西班牙 / 79 分钟



February 2015: The whereabouts of the tomb of Miguel de Cervantes remains a mystery, four centuries after his death. A pointer scientific team searching his bones in an old convent in the center of Madrid. The clues are misleading and help finding team in institutions, minimum. A table of acronyms M.C., which could belong to the coffin of the writer: the first day of excavation, a finding that goes around the world is produced. From there, the excavation is complicated. Much of what we thought we knew about Cervantes and convent, was not true. The joint work of scientists and historians errors and unravels the mysteries that have kept secret the burial place of the most brilliant writer, William Shakespeare, on the centenary of the death of both. A universal search, and sometimes quixotic, which combines the scientific, human and cultural.

