Ich will
德国 / 88 分钟



Philipp and Anna live in Berlin's baby boom neighborhood Kreuzberg. They also like to go to the playground, but with their little niece Nele. Anna doesn't want to know anything about Philip's sudden desire to have children. She is on the way to a professorship and insists on the old agreement: no children. The more intimately he makes the baby proposal to his wife, the clearer her rejection will be. Because she has already had to take responsibility for her younger sister Emmi, who was a baby when her mother died. Now Anna wants to lead her own independent life - without children. But being childless is increasingly annoying to Philipp, something is missing. With his own parents, the only son ends up on a sideline. Instead of waiting any longer for grandchildren, Hella and Ulf quickly brought a sponsored child into the house with little Uma through the "Wish Grandma Initiative". Philip can prevent her from getting all of his toys at the last minute.

