Fantasy Man
美国 / 92 分钟



FRANKIE WINGLES loves sports, but due an anger management disorder, he had been deemed 'too aggressive to play'. While delegated to the sidelines and serving as a stat boy, Frankie amassed a unique skill for analyzing sports stats. Now, as an adult, Frankie turned decades of number crunching into fantasy sports stardom, yet he still yearns for the real thing - to have the thunderous crowd cheering for him. He works as a concession vendor for the Chicago White Sox, who's owner - frail, but fiery, TEX WILHEID - is tired of playing second fiddle to the Cubs and is desperate to make one final attempt at becoming Chicago's most talked about team. In a move designed to turn the baseball world on its head, Tex appoints Frankie as his new GM, infuriating his worm-like son/ heir apparent, BRENT and intriguing his promiscuous daughter, KIMMIE. Frankie accepts the offer under the rules of fantasy sports: he only gets paid if the White Sox make the playoffs. Now, as players revolt against him, ...

