Dukhda Haro Maa Dasha Maa
印度 / 130 分钟



In a village named Rampur, the youngest son of the most affluent family of the village falls in love and gets married to a young girl, who is the daughter of the village priest. This girl is a staunch devotee of deity Maa Dashamaa. However, the family doesn't approve of this union and leads the newlyweds out of the family home and starts to harass them in all possible malicious manner. The new bride prays to her deity to help them out. Maa Dashamaa answers to her devotee's call and brings tough times for the evil family. The family witnesses a mighty downfall in their status and reputation. Later, the new couple helps the family to get their lost position back and even the family pleads for forgiveness and becomes devotees of Maa Dashamaa.
