Sunset Blues
美国 / 59 分钟



"The Sunset Blues" animated film originated and was produced as a logical continuation of the filmmaker's two previous film series - "Moving paintings" and "Deconstructed Diaries". It was a daunting task to find harmony in a semi-abstract film and accompanying music. The film is striving for the way of finding perfect harmony for every color through a precisely calculated shape it represented. Film directors, especially with artistic background, know how crucial is the understanding of the scale of a colors in a film frame composition. There is a high degree of complexity in proportions and correspondence with the other colors in one mise en scène; the shape visible in yellow will become color indifferent if depicted in green, i.e. an object that is perfect in yellow, will be read as secondary, and grayed out in human perception, if painted in a different color. Moving Painting film series project has reference to a long track in history of visual arts in exploration of correlation of...
