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For nearly 100 years vampires feared the demise of the human race, their food source. Radical changes need to be made or they face extinction. After nearly a decade of war between humans and vampires the Donor System is introduced. Each vampire is given a mate of their choosing selected from the system. This person is their mate and food source. Donors are now the new celebrities. Small factions are tired of the truce and will do anything to undermine the system to prove they are the dominant species. Humans also join in. They're tired of not being selected and jealous of the donors' status. Donors are wiped out in a purge like fashion and the Armigers, genetically altered vampires, are awakened. Octavian Korvich is the son of the oldest coven and the creator of the system. His mate betrays him and he's in desperate need of another. In the midst of trying to stop the fighting of the different vampire covens he happens upon a woman's door. She's everything he didn't expect yet ...

