The Dwarf in China
中国大陆,法国 / 53 分钟



A dwarf, a dragon, and a golden egg. Yet the real fairy-tale of this film is the journey of Jeanmarie, the Dutch street performer. In an adventurous project, Jeanmarie teams up with youth worker Frank to travel through the last remaining untouched regions of China, performing his new show to local children. As they transport their wondrous music machine from village to village, they bring laughter and intrigue to all who witness their magical performance, reuniting reality with fantasy, Europe and Asia. "Woopie wow guys!" A large box is carefully prised open to reveal yet another wooden box, this time a newly-made barrel organ, a wondrously intricate machine that will bring their show to life. Jeanmarie's hands tremble as he carefully feeds the organ music card into the magical mechanism, yet as he turns the handle, the instrument's whimsical flutes breathe into life, and in turn Jeanmarie breathes a sigh of relief. The excitement in his face is palpable: he and Frank are now ready to...

