In Dangerous Minds
美国 / 20 分钟



Akram, the lead character, is an immigrant from Iraq that has pushed through the racial profiling to work his way up to detective on the New Orleans Metro Police Department. Though he has a respectable badge, he is anything but unscathed from his childhood days during the first desert war with Iraq. While most kids in America take for granted their first world problems like what new shoes to buy and where to have their birthday parties, children in Iraq such as young Akram, encounter torture, murder, and shame beyond comprehension. How might this affect a human being as he enters the world that inflicted this harsh reality upon him? Akram faces great challenges of being a good father to a daughter he greatly loves, but is separated from her mother, while juggling a career in the police force that would love to fire him if it wasn`t for the union. He`s ingested so much hate and mistreatment that he has become angry, hateful, and racist. He takes his childhood trauma and imposes it upon...

