Basically, Johnny Moped
英国 / 70 分钟



Proto-punk of the 1970s was a burgeoning youth subculture defined by volatile friendships and fall-outs. This particular "subculture", however, is responsible for producing Johnny Moped, a band that is often cited as the pioneers of punk music. Amongst their former members are Captain Sensible and Chrissie Hynde, the latter of whom was fired - twice! - before she formed the hugely successful band, The Pretenders. At the centre of the power chord-maelstrom was Johnny Moped the man himself, an unstoppable "sonic terror" behind the mic who was caught in a battle of loyalty between love and music. The band's fate was ultimately sealed when they self-sabotaged the one gig that would have led to a record deal. Recounting the sloppy rebelliousness of the time and their current rebanding plans are the original members (including Hynde) and scenesters, whose anecdotes chronicle the rise, fall, and return of Johnny Moped.

