Kaphal: Wild Berries
印度 / 90 分钟



Makar and Kamru live in a small village in Garhwal. All the men in the village work in the city. Makar's friends' fathers visit the village regularly, with gifts for the family. But Makar and Kamru have not seen their father for 5 years. When he does come home, Makar and Kamru find that not only has he not brought them any gifts, he scolds them regularly, and disciplines them too much. Makar's friends, Bupi and Pusu convince him that his father may be an impostor. They plan to get rid of their father, through a magic potion from a witch in the forest, Pagli Dadi. But instead they meet Pagli Dadi's granddaughter, Ghungra who takes them for a merry ride. On the way, the boys learn many lessons, including that people are not always what they seem, and magic may work in unpredictable ways.
