美国 / 51 分钟



The show follows the lives of three individuals, all involved in some sort of physical combat and leading a dual life. "Sick" Rick Russo, now retired from his professional career, due to a shoulder injury, owns a boxing gym where he struggles to make ends meet by giving lessons. "Gorgeous" Graham Murdock works maintenance at the gym, and has Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. His unusual habits cause him to be more jaded from the world, but his disorder oddly comes in handy when he is street fighting for an organization run by Toni Kincaid. She is an unexpectedly dangerous woman who is used to taking charge and being the alpha in any situation. Lara Pope, our third character, is a quieter and submissive person, with a tendency to not stick up for herself, however, she secretly is the Women's Champion for an independent professional wrestling organization. Her alter ego "Heavy Metal Mary" is every bit as ferocious and confident as she is not in real life. The show highlights their journeys...
