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It was supposed to be an ordinary Christmas Eve. A large decorated tree. Flickering lights. Lots of delicious food. Santa Claus. And two idiot thieves - Oh, wait. Did I say ordinary? In fact, Mike and Philip are extraordinary in their stupidity, it's just their luck that they entered the wrong cabin inhabited by a retired Navy SEAL Richard and his daughter Emma. Oh, wait. Did I just say his daughter? In fact, Emma is the daughter of a mafia boss that Richard's wife Vanessa left him for due to his fortune. Before she dies on Christmas Eve, she decides to give Emma to Richard to take care of her. Ten years later, the boss finally manages to track Richard and Emma down so he pays them a visit with his commando of professional killers. Oh, wait. Did I just say professional? In fact, they are not your typical killers that can get the job done without causing some absurd commotion. What exactly happens when an ex-Navy SEAL and his daughter, mafia boss and his commando and two stupid thieves...

