True Trainwreck
美国 / 86 分钟



Just one bad night for a man named James Davenport. A once very successful man in all aspects of his life, he had a great family, a nice home and his career as an architect was really going places. But that would all soon change due to his one true vice, the weakness he had towards booze. Jim and his fellow coworkers flew into a rapidly growing metropolis that was once a very small town he lived in many, many years ago. The men representing their firm where attempting to a get zoning approval for a mall project they were working on. To pass time the night before their morning meeting, the three men all decide to go to the theater and watch a movie. That really didn't appeal much to Jim but he did ultimately give in and reluctantly go. Once there though, he gets stir crazy and restless. He then convinces the men to get out of there, find a bar and have a little hardy-har... That's was a fatal mistake for Jim and where the story begins. Now abandoned from his friends, he's hung over, ...

