The New Generation
奥地利 / 90 分钟



TOM, a young student, thinks it can never happen to him. MIKE, an easygoing waiter, knows exactly how to protect himself. MOBY, the only girl in this love triangle, belongs to the group of long time survivors, never giving up on life. In order to address these very important issues to an international audience the film is shot in English. In this film Andreas Riedler wants to teach young people about the dangers and misunderstandings concerning AIDS. Although Tom, a student, sleeps around, he thinks he can escape infection by avoiding the classic high-risk groups. Mike learned to protect himself years ago; he's already seen too many friends die and knows what he is talking about: Always assume that the other person is infected and always use protection. Tom quickly forgets this warning when he goes out a few days later. His current love interest is a girl named Moby who works in the club as a DJ. She knows about her infection and leaves the question of protection up to her partners. ...

