The Enigma of Frank Ryan



Frank Ryan's life (born Limerick 1902, died Dresden 1944) remains an enigma. The teenage IRA volunteer, dissident republican and Spanish International Brigade volunteer, ended his life working for the Nazis in wartime Berlin. How could this be? Our film employs the imaginative resources of the creative documentary to explore a human story of truly tragic proportions. We harness the power of the archival image in play with dramatic live action to to draw a contemporary audience into the core story centred on Ryan's split loyalties. From an appartment in war ravaged Berlin Ryan reflects on his life sharing his story with a young radio producer. After a failed attempt to return to Ireland by U Boat together with the head of the IRA, Ryan becomes trapped in Berlin. The contradiction between his political beliefs and his dependence on Nazi hospitaity comes to haunt him. Drawing upon Ryan's letters and journalism we have fashioned a film which hopefully illuminates the enigma that was Frank...
