2012 Countdown
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A guy from Croatia is in a hotel on some Croatian island. He is accidentally involved in a world tragedy - the arrival of aliens demanding changes on earth or otherwise we are all gone at 13.11 pm eastern time 21 December (symbolically on Mayan prediction 'Doomsday'). He is doing everything he can to comply with their demands, but even so he is aware that this is 'mission impossible' for him and the human race. He gets into deep discussions with the alien (who took female human form) about every aspect and meaning of life and our history defending the human race, and also criticizing it at the same time. Their few hours of company is filled with emotions and drama, but also with a comic and tragi-comic situations in which we, the audience, see our own good and bad side of life. But at the and of this race with time, he find himself in the hands of nurses at a psychiatric hospital. So we know that everything was just in his head...until the doctor corrects the time on the wall clock. ...
