De Van Waveren Tapes
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Director Wim van der Aar would like to introduce you to Guido van Waveren, though he's never met the man himself. You see, van der Aar - a very well established commercials director - has a fascination for discarded video and audio tapes, tapes which he finds and collects. And it is on these tapes that he met van Waveren, in a collection of self recorded audio tapes: A monologue addressed to himself, telephone calls with various officials, friends and family. Can you really know a person from what they choose to archive about themselves? van der Aar is making the attempt. The result is The Van Vaveren Tapes, van der Aar's debut feature. With visuals made up of new footage from the locations discussed by van Waveren, reconstructed locations and what appears to be other vintage footage from the time period and area, van der Aar has created something unique. Check the trailer below.

