Hawaiian Shirt Tuesday
美国 / 80 分钟



Mayhem. Confusion. Chaos. We have it all here at One-Man-Party-Marty's wonder emporium, and it's only Tuesday. It's all about making it through the work week whether you have to deal with over bearing bosses, bi-polar co workers or maybe even a firearm or two. All this is new for the Rookie as he tries to adjust to this manic workplace. A ditzy secretary, clueless boss and Crazy Steve are just a few people Rookie will have to deal with and learn from. Is riding an office chair really safety protocol? How important are photocopies of your face? Does anyone know what we do here? None of these questions will be answered. So join a ridiculous cast with a shoestring budget for Hawaiian Shirt Tuesday. P.S. I hear the Rookie has crabs.

