Hell and Mr. Fudge
美国 / 97 分钟



In the mid-1970's, Edward Fudge, a young preacher in Athens Alabama, is approached by an eccentric Australian man who offers to hire him to prove whether or not an eternally burning Hell exists. Raised by a father who was a well loved,fundamentalist church leader, Fudge personally believes in a conservative theology which promotes the notion that people who are not saved will suffer torment in hell for eternity. But Fudge, a respected theologian and researcher, agrees to set his preconceptions aside and dedicate a year of his life to do a systematic investigation of the subject, for the small fee of $3000.00. As Fudge immerses himself in research, other aspects of his life begin to crumble. He comes under attack from leaders of his denomination for suggesting that members of other denominations may be saved. He is fired from the church he loves for inviting a black man to pray from the podium. He is fired from the publishing company he's worked for since childhood, because he refuses ...

