Rodney Cecil: Psycho Hero
美国 / 98 分钟



Rodney Cecil was a small time drug dealer working in the tiny southern town of Carrboro, NC - until his boss tried to murder him and kidnap his girlfriend. Barely escaping with his life, he falls on the grave of an ancient bruja (witch-like creature) and is overcome by an evil spirit. Now RC is out of control! A demon-possessed madman on a search-and-destroy mission to save his girl, and serve vengeance on his would-be killers. From battling his way through a posse of good ol' boy hitmen down by the creek, to evading sexy female assassins in the middle of the town's shopping center, Rodney Cecil unleashes a devastating one-man war of retribution, all while gaining new superhuman abilities by the day! But how long can he keep the carnage up, before the wicked bruja, the hired guns, or the town's police force lay him out for good? Filled with all the explosive action and horror mayhem you remember from 80's VHS classics, and starring "The American Shark" Jordy Dickens (Sick and the Dead...

