The Bike Heist
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Mike and Barry are lifelong friends and roommates who have drifted apart, collateral damage from Mike's misguided pursuit of a corporate career. One summer morning, Mike, an avid cyclist, becomes the victim of bike crime when his "Bullet" is stolen. Barry convinces Mike to borrow the bicycle of their cute neighbour to get him to work on time. Unfortunately, this bike gets stolen too. Desperate to save face, Mike goes to Barry again for advice on how to fix the situation. Barry concocts a hairbrained plan in which the two, supported by an eccentric gang, will steal all of the bicycles locked up outside their apartment building. According to this plan, it will appear as though Mike responsibly returned the girl's bike, only to have it tragically heisted later that night along with the rest of the unfortunate bikes. However, nothing goes according to plan and Mike and Barry must deal with the utter chaos that ensues. This bromantic comedy-caper takes audiences on a wild ride, ...

