When Jane & Johnny Come Marching... Home Less
美国 / 90 分钟



The battle doesn't end when a soldier returns home, for many it's just the beginning of a life-long, emotional and psychological roller coaster towards finding a way back to themselves again. The scars from the hidden wounds of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (P.T.S.D.) and moral injury last a lifetime. Some cope better than others, but many return a shell of the person they once were- fighting their fiercest battle on American soil. In addition, the families suffer the consequences in silence- becoming outsiders struggling to understand and cope with a loved one they no longer know, as they, too, join the ranks of the uncounted, collateral damage of war. These hidden wounds of war have been written about in the Greek tragedies- it is not a new condition, it affects soldiers from every country, it is a universal human condition. Through the voices of veterans who served in World War II and all the major wars up to the present conflicts in the Middle East, along with family members, ...

