Russkiy spetsnaz
俄罗斯 / 95 分钟



Russia. Year 2003. 300-years anniversary of St. Petersburg with world-wide celebrations, including visits of various countries leaders. Far in the Afgan mountains a big group of terrorists, from different parts of the world, have trained for almost a year under the command of Russian dissident - "Six-finger". Their task is - to kill delegates of the celebrations, including Russian president in a day of Fountains in Peterhof near St. Petersburg. One of the terrorist units capture a train, carrying a party of conversed nuclear bombs from Belarus to Ural, and guide it to St. Petersbug. They threaten the authorities, that they will re-assemble one of the bombs and spread Plutonium on the way. Special unit of Army Intelligence (Dinamit and Krest) re-capture the train, but one of the bombs has been stolen. At the same time another part of the terrorist group is trying to kill the Pakistan defense minister.
