A Most Particularly Peculiar Bank Heist
美国 / 58 分钟



A young girl is tired from the routine of a meaningless corporate job, and drained from the narrow minded mentality of humans born to follow. Her sorrows instantly vanish when a peculiar puppet comes to life and befriends her. The duo soon plan a daring bank robbery. However, the puppet's weakness for nachos causes their plan to go awry. Now, they have to escape the wrath of a sadistic member of the Russian Mafia who poses as a super in the very same building that she lives in. And to make matters worse, the puppet is kidnapped by crazy Army General, Ox Malford who is determined to spread freedom and democracy to anyone and anything in his way. Things get even more complicated when Mr. Weird Man, who happens to live in the same building, complains to the crazy Russian Mafia super about a leaky ceiling. Will our favorite loony characters get out of this scrape in one piece? Watch this zany adventure unravel and let out a few laughs in the middle of the excitement. Director creator, Ms....
