Dilwale Kabhi Na Hare
印度 / 210 分钟



Rahul and Vijay are close friends, and have been so for quite sometime. Rahul meets with attractive Anjali, and both fall in love. Vijay also meets with Anjali and he, too, falls in love with her. When Rahul finds out that his buddy loves the same woman, he decides to step aside and let Vijay marry Anjali. Then Anjali asserts herself and says that she will only marry Rahul. Both Rahul and Vijay are embittered and don't trust each other any more. To make matters worse, Rahul accidently loses his eyesight, but Anjali continues to stay by his side. It is then Vijay proposes a duel - he mixes poison in a glass of water, and plain water in another. The one who drinks the plain glass of water, gets to marry Anjali, and the other - death.
